IHC Cloud Services – Learn how to leverage this Valuable Resource to take your Business to the Next Level
Cloud Computing or “The Cloud", has become a very popular buzzword over the past several years. Unfortunately the leaders and owners of many businesses don’t clearly understand exactly what the cloud is … or specifically how it will benefit their businesses.
The two questions that we most typically hear regarding the Cloud are:
- “Why should I care about the Cloud in the first place?”
- “Is it possible for the Cloud to have a positive impact on my business?”
These are great questions and our goal is to answer those questions for you so you can determine if or when moving to the Cloud will benefit your business. Make no mistake about it … cloud computing is here, and it is here to stay. The Cloud is currently making tremendous positive impact in businesses around the world that understand it and are leveraging it to its fullest capacities.
But that also does not mean that the Cloud has no limitations. To help remove some of the mystery surrounding the Cloud we have broken the information regarding the cloud into six main areas.
Become a Cloud Expert – Understanding the Cloud
There are no shortages of opinions in the IT world regarding the definition of “cloud computing.” But in a nutshell, “cloud computing” is a new way of delivering IT services for businesses in a way that is scalable and affordable–end users can deploy the services they need, when they need them.
Many of those services are available over the internet and users are only charged for what they consume. Please click the link below for a brief history and additional information that will allow you to understand more about the development of the Cloud.
Benefits of the Cloud
Businesses are unique and each business will have its own priorities and will be forced to decide how the Cloud will best benefit their business. Some of the most obvious benefits that are probably universal for all businesses are: Cost (or reducing expenses), the ability to access business data from any device, from anywhere at any time and the ability to add (or reduce) resources when a business needs them – without having to purchase and install additional hardware and software … but these are just a few of the benefits of the cloud. Please click the link below for a more detailed description of all of the benefits that the Cloud might offer your business.
What Exactly are the Cost Savings of the Cloud?
Businesses in Tulsa and surrounding areas can definitely realize cost benefits from the Cloud. Expenditures for IT can be reduced in many areas and employee efficiency and functionality can be increased to drive more productivity through a business. Please click on the link below for a detailed breakdown of how your business can realize great savings by using the services available on the Cloud.
Is the Cloud Secure?
The term “cloud computing” does not inspire great confidence regarding the security of your data because it contradicts the status quo of data and IT resources being onsite. There is some sense of comfort when a business owner can walk past the “server room” and hear and see his machines humming with lights blinking … but the question is, just because your server(s) and other networking equipment are in your office – is your business data truly secure? Click on the link below and find a thorough discussion on the security benefits and threats that exist on the Cloud.
How Do You Move Your Business to the Cloud?
Businesses in Tulsa and surrounding areas can definitely realize cost benefits from the Cloud. Expenditures for IT can be reduced in many areas and employee efficiency and functionality can be increased to drive more productivity through a business. Please click on the link below for a detailed breakdown of how your business can realize great savings by using the services available on the Cloud.
IHC Cloud Services - A Cloud Solution for Your Business
Businesses across Tulsa and surrounding areas are unique with different needs, different budgets and different challenges. Fortunately, the Cloud has many different elements too. There are parts of the cloud that are primarily public and can be accessed and used by anyone – Gmail and iTunes are great examples of this “public cloud”. At the other end of this spectrum are the major companies across the globe who have invested millions of dollars to build and manage their own data centers – essentially building their own Clouds for their business purposes.
Somewhere in the middle lies a combination of Cloud resources that needs to be custom tailored for small and mid-sized businesses. IH Cloud Services is a cloud solution that allows for businesses to move to the cloud in phases. This allows for businesses to make this migration in a way that is the most cost effective, efficient and productive for the business. Contact us today to learn more about this exciting service we have to offer.